Common 1099 printing issues in Dynamics GP

The deadline is fast approaching to submit 1099s. You’ve ordered the paper, you’ve checked the vendor 1099 totals, and you’re ready to print. When they come out of the printer, however, there’s an obvious mistake. How frustrating! I’ve addressed some common 1099 printing issues and how to fix them.

Before you print anything on the 1099 forms, I would highly recommend testing printing first. I’ve found the best way to test print (especially if you need to preserve a limited supply of 1099 forms) is to print several pages on standard blank printer paper. When you place the printouts and the 1099 form together and hold it up to the light any missing or misaligned information will become apparent. I recommend printing several pages this way, as some printing issues may not be apparent in the first few pages. You can either print the 1099 forms to screen and then print from the Screen Output window, or you can select the Alignment Form option in the Print 1099 window. If you have a large number of 1099 vendors, you may want to select a Vendor ID range when test printing to cut down on the time it takes to generate the forms.

GP 1099 print window

Our company information is missing:

Your company addresses are entered in the Company Setup window. (Administration >> Setup >> Company >> Company) The address entered in the main window will be your default address for documents such as invoices or checks. If you would like to enter additional addresses, click the Address button in this window. This will open the Company Addresses Setup window, where you can enter as many addresses as needed, as long as they have unique Address IDs.

When printing 1099s, you can choose any of these addresses to print on the forms by selecting the appropriate Address ID in the Print 1099 window.

Also, don’t forget to add your Federal Tax ID Number, as this will not automatically pull from anywhere else.


No address is listed for my vendor:

If you printed your 1099s and noticed that the vendor names were included, but the address information was missing, the culprit is most likely on the vendor card.

(Purchasing >> Cards >> Vendors) Vendors can also have multiple addresses. The default address is the one entered in the Vendor Maintenance window. An address still won’t pull on 1099s, however, unless that Address ID is included in the Address ID: 1099 box as well.

To add additional address IDs, click on the Address button. You can add as many addresses as needed, as long as they have unique Address IDs.


The information doesn’t line up with the boxes/lines on the 1099:

If there is a problem with the alignment of the information, it could be caused by any of the following reasons:

The incorrect form type has been selected

There are two available options for the Form Type in the Print 1099 window: Single Feed, and Continuous. The Continuous option harkens back to the days of the dot matrix printers, which used the continuous paper (pages that were all attached, with holes on the side, which allowed the gears in the printer to grab it and pull it through). Single Feed indicates the standard computer paper that everyone uses today. If you print with Continuous selected, the information on the 1099 forms might line up incorrectly on some of the forms. You may not notice on the first, second, or even the third page, but subsequent forms may print incorrectly.

Year-end updates

Microsoft releases year-end updates annually. These updates include fixes for GP as well as any changes to tax forms. You can find important information as well as links to specific GP updates by searching for year-end updates on the Dynamics GP community blog.

Printer alignment

Often, the cause of the misalignment is the printer itself. Try troubleshooting provided by your printer company or your IT department.

Change the form

If you’ve tried all the above solutions, and the alignment is still off, you can always modify the form in Report Writer. If you are unfamiliar with Report Writer, contact your Microsoft Partner. We are also always happy to help!


The information on the 1099 is incorrect

If any of the other information on the 1099 form is incorrect, you missed a step in checking the data before printing!


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